The above graph shows the impact of CoMate on the particulate emissions of a biomass boiler in the United States. Thanks to CoMate Ash Modifier, the reduction has remained consistently and significantly lower than historical values.
In addition to modifying ash, CoMate is also a combustion catalyst. As such, it can actually increase boiler efficiency (by between 2% and 3% in some cases), meaning that more energy is produced per unit of fuel burned. By increasing fuel conversion efficiencies, overall emissions are reduced per unit of energy produced.
The following table illustrates an actual example of this combined benefit in a #6 heavy oil-fired boiler, measured over a two year period of CoMate application:
The operators of this boiler were able to achieve their required load, with better operational variables, and with a daily average oil consumption reduction of 3,487 L – an improvement of almost 6.7% over historical averages. It is important to note that 100% of the emissions from these 3,487 L of oil is avoided, in conjunction with the improved efficiency and operating cost benefits enjoyed as a result of using CoMate.